3 Things To Consider Before Your Water Heater Installation

Choosing the best water heater can be difficult, especially with the various factors that you should consider before purchase. You should consider working with plumbing experts to ensure you get the right model to suit your needs. 

Aside from the model, you want to have the most suitable size and temperature of your water heater. As a homeowner, these features will significantly impact your future comfort levels. In this guide, you can find out more about the other factors to consider before installing a water heater.

Your Choice of Water Heater

When choosing a water heater, you can buy from either the tank or tankless system categories. Each category has a wide variety of options for homeowners.

Depending on your preference, you can choose the tankless water heater, which has low running costs, ultimately saving you money. Tankless water heaters are more durable and make a better investment in the long run. In addition, they naturally occupy less space as they don't use a storage tank.

While you can get hot water for your shower with a tankless heater, a tank-based water heater may be better for running many hot water fixtures simultaneously. A tank-based water heater can keep up with high hot water demand in your home with cheaper installation costs.

Your Heater's Energy Source

Most water heaters used at home rely on electricity or gas as their main energy source. You may have to pay more to switch from one source to another. A gas water heater uses vents and piping that may be incompatible with the electrical heater. If you buy a gas water heater, find out whether your utility provider supplies natural or propane gas.

Besides electric and gas water heaters, homeowners can use a water heater run by a central boiler. These high-recovery heaters utilize a heat exchanger. You should consider which fuel source is available to you and your current heating and piping system before purchasing a water heater.

Your Average Water Consumption

Large families need a high-water heating capacity because of their significant water usage. If you have many family members using hot water for washing clothes, dishes, and showering daily, you need a large conventional heater or many tankless models.

It can be challenging to know the specific daily water consumption to match with the right water heater. The alternative and conventional fuel tank heaters are available in various sizes. A plumbing professional can help you choose the appropriate size for the estimated daily water usage in your family.

Similarly, the plumber can determine whether one tankless heater can adequately heat the amount of water you need every day. For heavy residential use, consider buying many tankless heaters to get on-demand hot water at every faucet.

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About Me

Hot Water 101: Choosing A Heating System Over the years, the number of options for hot water heaters has increased significantly. Not only are there traditional tank-style hot water heaters, but there are also on-demand units that heat water as you need it instead of storing and maintaining large volumes. Unfortunately, with so many choices, homeowners often find themselves overwhelmed by the options. That's why this site is here. We created this blog to help homeowners like you understand the different types of water heaters in the hopes that the knowledge will make it easier for you to select your next one. Check out the information on this site to help as you shop for your hot water heater.

